Adult Improv Classes

Our next class begins: Monday, January 27, 2025

The group conversation will explore our reactions to the exercises as well as how the playful lessons learned in class can be used in everyday life. An initial consultation may be required for each participant prior to the first class to help ensure the experience will be a success.

The classes range from 8 to 14 people. Adults generally include people of college age to people in their 50s and 60s, all struggling with some aspect of social anxiety and lack of social confidence. The class will be held in person, some outside on our large porch and some in the office (Atlanta Center for Social Therapy 1758 Century Blvd, Atlanta 30345). Masks are welcome and optional if you have concerns for safety. Class size will be optimal for participants to have a positive and productive learning experience.

If you have any questions please reach out. If you would like to register for Adult Improv Class, please fill out the Registration Form below, followed by Pricing + Registration below that.

Our New Adult Improv sessions run for 12 weeks. Each class will begin at 6:30 and end at 8:30PM and will include a 90 minute improv experience followed by an opportunity for group members to talk about the experience and the impact we created. The class play exercises will progress from simple play to more elaborate ones based on the needs of the group.

Registration Information

Pricing + Registration

The fee for the regular 12 week class is $960.

To save your seat in the class, we ask all students to pay a $100 deposit. After that, you will then be asked to pay the remainder of the class, $860. This can be paid below in full or in partial payments ($430 two times). For hardship financial circumstances, please reach out for setting up a fee structure. There will also be an opportunity for partial scholarships, based on need.

If you’d like to register for Adult Improv Classes, please pay the deposit below. If you have any questions or trouble paying the deposit, please reach out.

Deposit: Adult Improv Classes
Partial Payment: Adult Improv Classes
Full Payment: Adult Improv Classes